Reading 1 Isaiah 25:6-10a, Reading 2 Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20, Gospel Matthew 22:1-14

A nineteenth-century recipe for rabbit pie begins with the injunction: “First catch the rabbit.” The writer knew how to put first things first.
That’s precisely what the guests in this Sunday’s gospel parable did not do!
It was Jewish custom to send out invitations and to prepare food according to the number who accepted (like the modern RSVP!). When the meal was ready, the host would send servants to summon the invitees. In the parable, the king sent servants twice to summon the guests, but they “made light of it” and went about their business. They refused to honour the invitation they had earlier accepted.
The Jews had accepted God’s invitation on Mount Sinai. They looked forward to the coming of the Messiah about which Isaiah prophesied (first reading). But when the Lord came and invited them to his banquet, they refused to honour the invitation.
Note the reasons for their refusal: they “went away, one to his farm, another to his business.” They were busy with the urgent: their livelihood. The wedding feast represents the messianic kingdom; it represents the important: salvation, eternal life.
The guests got their priorities wrong: they left the important for the urgent; they gave up life for livelihood.
We accepted God’s invitation at our Baptism. When we choose the urgent over the important, we refuse to honour that invitation.
In the second part of the parable, a guest is thrown out because he is without a wedding garment! According to Jewish custom, the host would give the guests a wedding garment; all they had to do was to wear it.
We, who have accepted the invitation, are called wear the wedding garment: a life of justice, honesty, compassion, kindness, and love.
How do I respond to the Lord’s invitation to his banquet: do I have my priorities in order; or am I so engrossed in gathering the other ingredients for “rabbit pie” that I forget to “catch the rabbit”? Do I to wear the wedding garment?

By: Fr Dr Mascarenhas Vinod SDB

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