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Your generosity is deeply valued by us at Salesians of Don Bosco (Don Bosco Dimapur). The kindness you extend contributes significantly to enhancing the lives of the villagers we serve, and for that, we are profoundly grateful.

For donations of Rs 500 or more, we express our gratitude by sending you an appreciation letter and a Yearly Calendar. Your monetary contribution, regardless of its size, plays a crucial role in advancing our mission at Salesians of Don Bosco (Don Bosco Dimapur Province). It supports the provision of quality education, the development of mission centers in remote areas, and the welfare of missionaries working in villages.

Looking ahead to 2024, our aspirations include fortifying mission stations in the peripheries by constructing school buildings, providing sanitary facilities for children, facilitating education, offering transportation, and covering tuition fees for those facing financial hardships. Your support can brighten the lives of many in the coming year, and thus, we earnestly seek your assistance.

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