CRI General Body Meeting: Reflecting on Manipur and Solidarity in Action

Dimapur 1 July 2023: The Catholic Religious Conference of India (CRI), its Dimapur Unit held a significant General Body Meeting, bringing together Provincials, Vice Provincials, Provincial representatives, rectors, superiors, and other religious of the region. The meeting provided an opportunity for sharing experiences, discussing plans, and addressing concerns within the religious community over what is happening in Manipour.

The meeting began with a prayer led by the CRI President, setting a solemn and reflective tone for the gathering. The President also extended a warm welcome to all attendees, expressing gratitude for their presence and participation.

One of the agenda items was the report on the last General Body Meeting, delivered by the CRI Secretary. This report offered valuable insights into the progress and developments since the previous meeting, highlighting the collective efforts and initiatives undertaken by the religious community.

The CRI Treasurer presented an account presentation, shedding light on the financial aspects of the organization. This detailed overview provided transparency and accountability, ensuring that the resources were being utilized effectively for the greater good.

A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to an overview of the situation in Manipur, presented by the CRI President with the help of videos. The President emphasized the urgent need for support and solidarity in the face of the challenges faced by the people in Manipur. Fr Jose Kuruvachira SDB, Provincial of the Salesian Province of Dimapur shared his experiences and efforts in providing aid to the affected region.

The gathering then focused on a thought-provoking session titled, “Reflecting on the Tragic Events in Manipur: Remembering the Carnage and Seeking a Path to Healing.” Esteemed speakers from different congregations, including Sr. Maria Haokip MSMHC, Sr. Florence CMC, Sr. Priscilla FMA, Sr. Alphonse Maria FCC, and Sr. Mary Augustine SABS, offered their perspectives on the tragic events and proposed ways to foster healing and reconciliation.

The meeting also featured group discussions, enabling attendees to share their thoughts and ideas on various aspects related to the situation in Manipur. This interactive session facilitated the exchange of experiences and best practices, leading to a deeper understanding of the challenges at hand.

The General Discussion segment allowed participants to voice their concerns, suggestions, and queries, fostering an atmosphere of open dialogue and collaboration. The collective wisdom and insights shared during this session were instrumental in shaping the future actions and initiatives of the CRI.

The meeting also addressed important matters such as the Prison Ministry and Hospital Ministry, recognizing the significance of providing spiritual and practical support to those in need in these specific areas.

As the meeting drew to a close, a Vote of Thanks was extended by Sr. Matilda UFS, expressing gratitude to all participants, organizers, and supporters for their contributions to the success of the programme. The meeting concluded with a prayer before the meal, led by Fr. Jose Kuruvachira SDB, fostering a spirit of unity and gratitude among the attendees.

Overall, the CRI General Body Meeting served as a platform for reflection, collaboration, and collective action. The commitment and dedication displayed by the religious community towards the people of Manipur were evident throughout the meeting, leaving a profound impact and inspiring continued efforts to alleviate suffering and promote healing in the region.

(Dimapur Province Website Correspondent)

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