Homilies of the day is presented here

EASTER SUNDAY: 31 March 2024

IT CHANGED EVERYTHINGActs 10:34a, 37-43; Colossians 3:1-4; John 20:1-9 Origins: The Journey of Humankind showcases the major discoveries and events that have changed us. Each episode in the eight-part series features one factor that transformed human civilization: fire, medicine, money, communication, war, shelter, exploration, and transportation. The first episode Spark of Civilization avers that the discovery of fire led to countless more milestones. The ability to harness and control fire gave humans the power to create, transform, and destroy; transformed us from nomadic tribes to a species which can undertake space voyages. It changed everything. The series does not feature

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PALM SUNDAY: 24 March 2024

THAT’S NO WAY TO END UPIsaiah 50:4-7; Philippians 2:6-11; Mark 14:1—15:47 Addressing a college audience, Gordon Liddy (a former FBI agent and White House staff) emphasized that only force, ruthless use of violence, and an iron will could earn the respect of friends and foes in this “real world”.One of the faculty rose timidly and stammered: “But… in our country, most people… base their ethics on… the teachings of Jesus… and this doesn’t sound like the teachings of Jesus.”Liddy glared a moment, took in a breath, and bellowed: “Yeah! And look what happened to Jesus!” He flailed his arms outward

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