Deacon Ordination at Sacred Heart Theological College, Shillong: A Milestone of Service and Inspiration

Rt. Rev. Joseph Aind (Bishop Emeritus of Dibrugarh Diocese) conferred the status of Deacon upon 20 Clerics at Sacred Heart Theological college, Shillong on 1 July 2024. We congratulate Br. George Wangshu, Br. Binoy Kujur, Br. Gregory Kerketta, and Br. Daikho Mathew on their ordination as deacons. May this milestone in their spiritual journey be blessed with joy, wisdom, and a deepening commitment to their vocation. May they continue to serve with love and compassion, and may their ministry be a source of inspiration to all. Congratulations once again dear Deacons.

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Dimapur Province begins 15th Provincial Chapter

Dimapur, India, May 27, 2024: The Salesian Province of St.Francis de Sales inaugurated its 15th Provincial Chapter at the Provincial House in Dimapur,marking a significant moment of reflection and spiritual renewal.Themed “Passionate about Jesus Christ, Dedicated to Young People: Living our Salesian Vocation Faithfully and Prophetically,” the Chapter runs from May 27 to May 31,2024. The Chapter commenced with the arrival of participants at 4:00 PM,followed by tea. Chapter moderator Fr. Devasia Rajesh delivered an inspiring welcome address. “As we engage in deep reflection, meaningful dialogue,and thoughtful planning, let us be guided by the Holy Spirit in all our endeavors,”

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New Booklet Release: “Question Paths to Climb Pravesh” by Fr. PX Francis SDB

Shajouba, Dimapur Province 24 May 2024 – The Don Bosco Group in Shajouba proudly announces the release of a new booklet titled “Question Paths to Climb Pravesh,” authored by Fr. PX Francis SDB. The booklet emphasizes the principles of scouting and the vital importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, particularly highlighting the negative impacts of smoking. Drawing inspiration from Baden-Powell’s foundational work, “Scouting for Boys,” Fr. Francis underscores an unwritten component of the Scout Law: “A Scout is not a fool!” He elaborates that scouts, in their wisdom and commitment to health, should abstain from smoking. Smoking, he argues, diminishes

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Missionary from Angola warmly Welcomed at Don Bosco Provincial House

Fr. Jojo Kachappilly SDB, a dedicated missionary serving in Angola, was warmly welcomed to the Salesian Province of Dimapur on May 15, 2024. He would be in the province for a short period. His welcome was marked with joy and reminiscences as he reunited with his fellow confreres during the Provincial Council meeting being held at the Don Bosco Provincial House,Dimapur. Fr. Jojo’s journey back to the province commenced on 10 May 2024, when he arrived in Imphal. During his visit, he took the opportunity to reconnect with several Salesian houses in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, fostering bonds and sharing

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Fr. Mekrüo Lawrence SDB Successfully Defends MTH Thesis on Salesian Youth Ministry Among Northeast Migrant Youth

Bangalore 11 March 2024: In a significant academic milestone, Fr. Mekrüo Lawrence SDB has successfully defended his Master of Theology (MTH) thesis titled “The Challenges and Opportunities for Salesian Youth Ministry Among the Northeast Migrant Youth at Bengaluru: An Explorative Study in the Light of the Magisterium of the Church.” Under the guidance of Dr. Sivy Koroth SDB, Fr. Lawrence delved into the pressing issue of migration from northeastern states to metropolitan cities like Bengaluru in search of better opportunities. His research aimed to shed light on the specific challenges faced by migrant youth from the Northeast in urban settings

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Fr. Kangba Talung William Successfully Defends MTH Thesis on Youth at Risk in Dimapur Salesian Province

Bangalore: 11 March 2024 In a remarkable academic achievement, Fr. Kangba Talung William, SDB, has successfully defended his Master of Theology (MTH) thesis. The thesis, titled “PREFERENTIAL OPTION FOR THE YOUNG AT RISK IN THE SALESIAN PROVINCE OF DIMAPUR: A REFLECTION ON GOD’S PREDILECTION FOR THE ANAWIM,” delves into a crucial aspect of pastoral care and social responsibility within the Salesian Province of Dimapur. Fr. William’s thesis, guided by Fr. Koroth Sivy, SDB, aimed to address crucial objectives, including objectively assessing the situation and causes leading to youth vulnerability, deepening biblical understanding of God’s concern for the marginalized (anawim), and

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Unveiling Fr. Nelson Falcao’s Kristapurana Translation: A Celebration of Scholarly Endeavour

Bordumsa: 22 February 2024: During the Provincial Visitation of Don Bosco Bordumsa, Fr. Jose Kuruvachira SDB, the Provincial of Dimapur Salesian Province, unveiled the book “Kristapurana” Translation by Fr. Dr. Nelson Falcao, S.D.B on 22 February 2024. The event, held in the presence of key figures from the Salesian community, marked a celebration of scholarly achievement and cultural enrichment. Fr. Benny James, the Provincial Economer, along with Fr. Anto Tharakan SDB, the Rector of Bordumsa, Fr. Manoj Abraham SDB, Principal of Don Bosco School, and Fr. Sandeep Barla SDB, the Administrator of Don Bosco School, graced the occasion with their

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Empowering Educators in AI Tools: Salesians of Don Bosco Conduct Training Across Assam

Sadiya: 28 January 2024 – In a groundbreaking initiative aimed at enhancing the technological skills of educators, the Salesians of Don Bosco Dimapur, in collaboration with CCBI, organized a series of Artificial Intelligence (AI) training sessions in three schools across Assam. Fathers, sisters, brothers, and teachers from both Catholic and other schools actively participated, bringing together more than 300 enthusiastic individuals. The AI training sessions were conducted by the esteemed resource person, Fr. Sabu Thomas of Thalassery Diocese, English Department, Sacred Heart College, Thevara. Fr. Cyriac Manipadam SDB, the headmaster and In-Charge of St Thomas High School, Sadiya, introduced Fr.

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Formation of Prenovitiate Formators on Psycho-Sexual Integration: A Transformative Five-Day Training Programme

Dimapur, 20 January 2024: A comprehensive five-day training programme focusing on psycho-sexual integration for formators of pre-novitiates and postulancy commenced on 15 January 2024, at the Don Bosco Provincial House, Dimapur. The inaugural Eucharist, presided over by Rev Fr Jose Kuruvachira SDB, the Salesian Provincial of Dimapur Province, marked the commencement of this transformative journey. Rev Fr Nazarius Lakra, the Vice Provincial, extended a warm welcome and inaugurated the training programme, setting the stage for an insightful exploration of psycho-sexual integration. Fr. Robert Pen SDB, the South Asia Coordinator for Salesian Formation, took charge of coordinating the entire programme, ensuring

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Camporee 2023: Don Bosco Higher Secondary School, Dibrugarh Hosts a Spectacular Celebration of Empowerment through Sharing and Caring Dibrugarh, 28 December 2023

The picturesque campus of Don Bosco Higher Secondary School in Dibrugarh has been buzzing with excitement as scouts and guides from across the region gather for Camporee 2023, a five-day extravaganza promoting the ethos of empowerment through sharing and caring. The event, which began on December 27th and will conclude on December 31st, is witnessing a multitude of activities aimed at fostering camaraderie, skill development, and a sense of responsibility among the participants.In a remarkable display of unity and camaraderie, a gathering of 580 scouts and guides, accompanied by 46 dedicated scout masters and guide captains, recently convened for a

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