Don Bosco College Maram Receives State Level College Award 2023 for Exceptional Contribution to Higher Education in Manipur

Imphal, 5 September 2023: In a momentous celebration of educational excellence, the Department of Higher Education, Government of Manipur, honoured Don Bosco College Maram with the prestigious State Level College Award 2023. The award, accompanied by a certificate of commendation and a cash prize of Rs 50,000, was presented during the State Level Teachers’ Day celebrations held today. Don Bosco College Maram’s remarkable dedication to the advancement of higher education in Manipur during the academic session 2022-23 earned it this distinguished accolade. The award ceremony, graced by the presence of Shri Th. Basanta Singh, the Education Minister of the Government

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RMG – Missionaries of the 154th Salesian Missionary Expedition: Fr Kujur George, from India (IND) to Nepal (INC)

(ANS – Rome) – Among the missionaries who will receive their Missionary Cross from the hands of the Rector Major on 24 September, is Fr Kujur George, belonging to the Province of India-Dimapur (IND) who will leave for Nepal as part of the 154th missionary expedition.Can you introduce yourself?I am Fr Kujur George, from the St Francis de Sales Province, Dimapur, India. There are seven children in the family (3 boys and 4 girls) and I am the third. Both of my parents are alive and well. I come from a poor, isolated family of farmers and tea tribes. I

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BUILD BRIDGES NOT BARRIERSEzekiel 33:7-9; Romans 13:8-10; Matthew 18:15-20 In “The Great Divorce”, C. S. Lewis writes that hell is like a vast city inhabited only at the periphery; it has rows and rows of empty houses in the middle – empty because the residents quarrelled with their neighbours and moved. Then, they quarrelled with their new neighbours and moved again. This process of quarrel-move-quarrel slowly left the old neighbourhoods empty. Hell has gotten so large because everyone chose distance instead of honest confrontation. Lewis’ picture is as true as it’s stark! When someone hurts us, it’s either fight or

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This is a conversation that the undersigned overheard while returning to Don Bosco from the English Department of Nagaland University. The conversation took place on a local bus, between two travellers.One of them plucked up courage and asked the sharer of the seat without expecting a favourable answer: “Where do you study?” The fellow traveller without lifting up his head from the local newspaper answered aimlessly: “Presently, I am doing my PG Studies in the -(the name of the department has been withheld) department.The first speaker with a smile on his face and lips reaching far ends of his cheeks

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XXII SUNDAY OF THE YEAR: 03 September 2023

THE ‘BRAND HEART’ OF CHRISTIANITYJeremiah 20:7-9; Romans 12:1-2; Matthew 16:21-27 Marketing experts point out that it is important for companies and organizations to develop a brand identity or the “face” that interacts with the world. But they are quick to caution: whatever you create should communicate who you are: the brand heart (purpose, vision-mission, values). One may see this Sunday’s gospel as a landmark in Jesus spelling out his “brand heart”!Jesus has been schooling his disciples about who he is and through Peter’s confession of faith (which we heard last Sunday), they have recognized Jesus as the Christ.But Jesus does

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Dimapur Province Young Priests’ Quinquennium Meetings Foster Missionary Spirit and Administrative Skills

Dimapur, 2 September 2023 – The Don Bosco Provincial House in Dimapur, Nagaland, served as the backdrop for a significant gathering of young priests from Dimapur Province on August 31 and September 1, 2023. The two-day quinquennium meetings brought together 21 participants representing various priestly batches, creating a dynamic platform for reflection, growth, and skill development. Day 1: Cultivating a Missionary SpiritThe inaugural day of the event was marked by a spiritually enriching session led by Fr. Paul Panachikal SDB, hailing from Shillong Province. Fr. Panachikal animated the young priests on the vital themes of mission, the call to be

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